Nicole Diary Water Decals Review - Part 1

 *The following item(s) have been sent for reviewing purposes however I will give my full and honest opinion as always.

Allo polish Pals,
How are you all doing today? I hope you had a super weekend so far? Did you have really unsteady weather?! It was a bit crazy here. Sunny, drizzle, crazy winds..sun..Have you done anything fun or unusual?

Its been *really* quiet here which means I got a whooooole afternoon to do a piece of freehand painting. Woots-toots.

I've got an action packed post for you today, This is part one and there will be several more to follow. I have some really interesting water decals to show you from Nicole Diary. As you guys are probably aware by now, I'm not new to water decals and I actually love them for times where I don't have time to create freehand nail art, or for big toe accent designs. I think these are super fun!

 Bibbity Boobity BOOO! Nicole Diary are kindly offering a free gift worth upto $5 when you order from their Aliexpress or Amazon store - just add the code 'ITH2016' to your order note. Shh-weeeet!

First of all I am starting with these beautifully and bright patterned water decals, these are 'Nicole Diary – 24'. The entire sheet is filled with a gorgeous swirly, flowing pattern and there is plenty of it! Its easy to see where each nail pattern begins but I don't think it really matters too much, if you cut close to your nail size you should have a lot remaining.

What I really like about these Nicole water decals is how thin they are. I have done many decals in the past but they feel so thin, but in a good way, still very manageable!  When sliding the decal from the backing paper I had to be extra gentle, its feels like handling a butterfly wing! That said, I feel like they stuck beautifully on the nails, they were easy to smooth out and looked even more gorgeous after adding my Pro-FX top coat. These are very sheer so I am wearing them under NYC's 'Williamsburg Vintage' – a white polish.

 They're so pretty... It almost makes me Emoji-tional

These super fun and cheeky emoji water decals are 'Nicole Diary - 33' come in varying styles and different sizes. It features many faces including the love-heart eyes, angry face, happy face, kissy face, winky faces etc etc, all the faces and all the feels - love! I am wearing these under NYC's 'Classy Caramel' to keep it light and tried...I mean, really tried to write 'All the feels' with acrylic paint but I kinda just made a mess...*Sigh Face* I absolutely love these water decals, I feel like they are totally wearable and I like that I can mix and match the faces and place them in whatever way  or order I want rather - its easy to cut them out separately. My mind just screamed “Emoji” toes at me...yes I'm seeing it, Emoji big toes and cute yellow polish on the others...

Have you visited Nicole Diary yet?  You can also find them on Instagram. I really enjoy browsing their store and like how unique their water decals look. I've seen some designs that I have not seen anywhere else which is fabulous! I also think their prices look really fair. They ship all over the world - if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask in the comments.

Which of these water decals did you like best? Are you a fan of applying/wearing water decals?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. I've never tried water decals before... but looking at the cute emoji's and those way too lovely swirlies make me want to get my hands on them. So I'm off to Nicole Diary to see what pretties I can get my hands on :)

  2. Both looks very nice, but emoticons are really funny :) Here the weather is also crazy ;-)

  3. The first one is hippie - like :)

  4. Haven't heard of this brand before, but they looked like nice water decals :) Have to say I love the emoji one haha!

  5. Water decals are surely easy to apply and it turns nails looking very attractive. Those emoji decals are my favourite and your mani is looking fantastic!

  6. The first ones are SO gorgeous, and the emojies are really fun :)


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