Freehand Crystal Island Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!
How are you guys all doing today? Wow, we're almost at the weekend again! That means its a week into my trip home. Time goes so fast.

Today I have one of my rebellious manicures. I am protesting. I don't like the cold, I don't like the rain! - hasn't actually rained yet! Take me somewhere warm and sunny, somewhere where everything is in bloom instead of all the skinny naked trees with no leaves!

Here's the little paradise in my head that I visit when winter gets too much. I call it... Crystal Island. For obvious reasons. You'll get it when you see it!

I'm not sure where the idea came from to have huge chunks of crystals shooting out of the ground but I imagine when the sun is shining they leave rainbow patterns across the sand...pretty!

For this manicure I began with my usual base coat of Mezmris Nail Lacquer's 'Armor Up' and once dry I (somehow) applied two coats of Barry M's 'White'. This bottle is pretty much empty. If you had seen my 'white' canvas before I started the freehand it was a freakin' streaky mess, ha!
I then created bright to lighter blue acrylic-gradient using my fave paints and my old trusty crusty bamboo brush. I created everything else with my Pure Color brush in size 9 – seriously love this baby. I sealed everything in with my Mezrmis Nail Lacquer top coat, 'Armor Up'.

I was really unhappy with this when I had first painted it but it has grown on me somewhat. I can see I painted the placement of the crystal on the middle nail wrong, it doesn't look like its coming from the sand...but shh. Don't tell anyone, ok?

Do you ever crave some sun during winter? What is your favourite season?

Have a beautiful day my lovely naily friends! Don't forget to let me know what you think; Thank you for visiting! I'll catch you again on Saturday. :)



  1. Ah ah! Yes I would like some sun too! You've created a great manicure!

    1. Aw thank you, love! I wish we could have sun all year round! x

  2. Please send some sun to Scotland!!!!! Great mani, you are a true artist :-D

  3. Come to my's warm, it's sunny and trees are quite healthy too..haha..between Super duper cool mani! Love it!

  4. I wish I could freehand like you can. I'm super envious! :)

  5. I love you for this mani, it visualises perfectly how badly I want winter to end already, and it hasn't even started yet :D


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