I'm A Fairytale Character! Story Nail Art Inspired By A Dress

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Allo polish Pals!
How are you? I hope you are having a good week so far? Do you ever just day dream?...Zzz..

It was a beautiful crisp morning in the Enchanted forest and everyone was just beginning to arise from their slumber. First came the birds, the Robin's shaking off their sleepy dreams from their nests, the Blue Jays groggily flying off to collect breakfast for their young. Next came the critters, the dozy dormice rubbing away their sleep and the rabbits dragging their sluggish bodies into the sunlight. The drowsy deer entered the clearing beside the cottage and tentatively chewed at the dewy grass.

Inspired by this dress.
There was an almighty crash, clunk and clang as the cottage door flung open. The animals looked on with no expressions of surprise. “Here we go again..” murmered the bullfrog to the raccoon as Ithfifi crawled out of the cottage sporting an unruly head of tangled black hair, aqua plaid pyjama's and what looked like... no, it couldn't be... Yep, toothpaste around her mouth. A zombie-like groan escaped her lips - She clearly had not had a cup of tea yet. “Gee Whiz, She's really something, isn't she?” whispered the fox to the rabbit. “I've never seen anything quite like it, and the ball is in two hours! She must go, for this is the 'Ball Of Bloggers! Whatever will we do?!"

The animals retreated back into the the depths of the forest and conducted an emergency meeting. 

“We are going to need Formal Ball Dresses” exclaimed the beaver. “I'll second that and add that we are going to need something for that abomination on her head! I suggest some serum..or something to stick it down at least, a tiara and a tangle teezer” announced the vole. “Guys!” shouted the chipmunk... “How could you forget, its one of the most important parts of all..!” The critters looked around desperately trying to think of what they could have forgotten. “Her nails of course! Everybody go gather what you can, we'll meet in an hour and piece everything together” instructed the chipmunk in his best bossiest voice.

So off the critters went, to seek and find a way to spruce up Ithfifi before the big ball. The frizz was banished and the tangles were tamed, she slipped into the most beautiful ball gown and holographic glittery peeptoe shoes were put upon her pedicured feet. Her cheeks were blushed with the tail of a squirell and the tiara was placed above her curls and waves.

There was just one thing left for the critters to take care of..  They began with dabs of Essie's 'Set In Stone' to add a little glitter and then the critters each took a small dotting tool and began to stick the loose holographic glitter around her cuticles, singing while they worked.
Scratchy and bitty looking glitter. Elegence without being uniform! (What do you expect when your glitter is all different shapes and sizes! )
Ithfifi yawned and carefully opened her eyes. The sunlight was pouring through the curtains and she was half hanging out of the bed. Out of the bed... No, she hadn't been in bed?! It couldn't have been a dream, could it?! It had all felt so real, the glitter, the nails! Ithfifi fearfully stared down at her hands and saw the cruddy chipped nails.. a manicure from a few days ago...

I know this has been a random post but I hope you have enjoyed something a little different. Sometimes its good to do something unusual! I'll recoverfrom the disappointment of it just being a dream. .  Man do I wish I had actual animal friends to do my nails.

Have a lovely and magical day,


  1. You're a fantastic story teller, I am sure when you will became a mother you're kid will be thrilled!
    As about the mani, it is fantastic and matches perfectly the beautiful and elegant dress! Hugs dear!

    1. Awwh thanks, Andrea! I don't know about that, really but I am sure I will have fun trying. I am looking forward to those times! I get lots of practice being silly with my Niece for now at least! :) xx

  2. I enjoyed this post a lot.....it's outstanding...love it...And equally outstanding manicure. :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Nailfame! <3 I am really glad you enjoyed it :D xx

  3. This entire post is just brilliant!

    1. Thank you so much, Sandra! I always get worried people will not like it when I do something very different :) xx

  4. Great post and great mani :-D

  5. I love this post so much! Beautiful nails and great story :)


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