Lego Brick Nail Art - Freehand

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope your week is going swimmingly! What have you been up to?
I created some Lego nails a little while ago.. and while I don't like to swear or curse on my blog all I want to do is jump up and down shouting 'S*!# Bricks!' - excuse me, I'll calm down. I had wanted to create some Lego inspired nail art for a while. I really wanted to try and get in some shading practice so it was a fun challenge. These nails may not be perfect but to me it cries toy box and childhood memories!

Shh... Don't tell anyone... When I was younger I used to collect those little furry things that fall from the trees (Here we call them Pussy Willow) during 'play time' (or recess) at school. I would keep them in my pocket until I got home and then I would build them Lego houses. I realize how incredibly uncool that sounds!! I'm often referred to as odd... :)

Lego are actually a great educational toy in so many ways. Check out BrickDave's 'Learn With Lego'.
For this manicure I used only one coloured polish which was Barry M's White for my base. Everything else is done entirely with Oumaxi acrylic paints and my trusty best friend of a bamboo brush. I added a few dots here and there with a tiny dotting tool and finished the whole thing off with Catrice's top coat.

Did you play with Lego when you were younger? Have you had childhood inspired nails?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. WOW Ithi! This is soooo beautiful and fun at the same time. You're soooo great at this! I lovve this Lego-nail art. :-)
    Being odd is way more fun than being normal...hahaha...<3

  2. The whole mani is stunning and original. Love the way you painted the bricks. My daughter loves to play with Lego's, I am going to show her this mani!

  3. WOW, this is pretty impressing :)
    PS, I don't at all think that's odd, that's how creativity grows :D

  4. bravo! kids nails , i like so much ! goal !
    huge hug my dear !

  5. woww!! Ithi, this is a very beautiful and unique design my dear friend :)

  6. wow this is soooo creative, those lego blocks! this is such a great Idea and I have never seen this before, your nail art creations are one of a kind! So perfect ;) <3

  7. I love it! My favourite is your thumb! I also love that you added the little dots, it makes everything even more fun and playful!

  8. Your nails look amazing! 3D like the legos are about to pop off your fingers! I loved to play with legos as a kid and I ALSO used to play with and collect pussy willows! (My dad used to make fun of me for doing that but for a different reason haha).

  9. Gorgeous mani. I love it :-D

  10. This is such an adorable mani, really evoking my childhood memories! I used to play with Lego a lot when I was younger, and even got to visit Legoland in Denmark once, I was so happy :D Really beautiful work!

  11. OMG!! You're an amazing painter!! These blocks look sooo real!! I LOVE the fun colours you used too :D


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