Bright And Arty Floral

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? Friday again, woo the weeks are going fast which means the days are counting down until I and Mr Bravo go back to England in December. I have some huge news to share with you too! I'll share this at the bottom of the post! Today I have a very sketchy/arty floral manicure to share with you. The inspiration can be seen here.

For my middle and pinky finger I used two coats of Catrice's 'I'm So aNude' and on my other fingers I applied two coats of Rimmel's 'Tutti Frutti' which yeah... You can barely see it! I then created some rather messy and sketchy flowers using my Oumaxi Acrylic paints in the colour and style (Sort of!) of the inspiration picture. I finished this all of with a coat of OPI's matte top coat.

Now I'd like to introduce you to someone rather special! This is Luna and she's 14 weeks old!
On Wednesday Mr Bravo and his Father went to look at some dogs and they feel in love with this little girl. She's doing pretty well with training so far, there are the odd accidents which is to be expected with any puppy but she has really brightened all our lives already. She is extremely affectionate and cuddly and loves to follow me around while I do housework.

What do you think of this floral manicure? Do you have any pets; Are you a dog lover?
Have a great day!



  1. Hello sweety! :*

    The manicure is simply amazing! You did agreat job. In my opinion this is the best manicure you've ever done!!

    And LUNA...omg, sweet Luna. She's soooo cute. I love german sheppards(that's what she is right?) My grandma has one...and he's amazing.

    I am glad she follows you around, that way you'll feel like your chores are much easier!
    Kisses :*

  2. Wow! That's amazing! One of the best manis ever! I love a thumb a loooooot!:)

  3. awesome Ithi!
    and I love Luna <3

  4. The flowers are wonderful! Your painting is awesome! Congrats to your new puppy! I have not much experience with dogs but I guess they are loyal animals. I had budgies a few years ago and I love all kinds of birds.

  5. Luna looks amazing :-D I'm so happy you got a new puppy :-) Give her a big cuddle from me please :-D <3

    I've got 3 cats and love animals! I've got two pure white females and a male Bengal <3 <3 <3

    I love this manicure too, lovely flowers :-)

  6. Such a cool nail art, love that you made it matte! :D And OMG, Luna looks so cute!

  7. I adore your sketchy floral nails. They really caught my eye and I'm dying to recreate them. What a beautiful new addition to the family :)) xx

  8. your nails are so beautiful, and you have such a cute new family member!!

  9. Congrats on your new puppy! She's adorable! <3 I know what you mean about pets just brightening up your day. They are so wonderful, always there with love and affection. :) Love your manicure! The flowers are beautifully done!

    ~ Yun

  10. Big congrats to you, Luna is soooo cute. <3
    This mani is really a favourite of mine I think. Soooo great and awesome. :-)

  11. Love your floral manicure, specially the "half moon" flowers. Luna looks adorable, it's really fun to have pets around, they give you such joys.

  12. Beautiful mani and lots of love for you and the new dog!

  13. What a great mani! I like it A LOT! cute puppy.

  14. amazing manicure, like always , everything is nice beautiful,, perfect ,etc..but LUNA :) you must kiss her for me and give her many many cuddles ! ok ! i hope you will have non forget time with her ! bravo !
    i ♥ u

  15. You've made an excellent job with this one, gorgeous manicure!


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