Midnight Flowers Featuring Viva La Nails Water Decals

*The following item was sent to me to review but as always will contain my full honest opinion :)

Allo polish Pals!
Hope your all having a fabulous weekend! Just a quiet one inside for me today but its a beautiful contrast to last weekend! I can't believe its only 15 days until we travel back to England. I loved Christmas last year with my Dutch family but I am also glad we're going back this year because I'll also be there for my Birthday and the arrival of my Nephew who is due just after Christmas! :) This also means there are several guest-blogging positions available if you would like to have your post up here. You can leave a message here and the page with all the information will be up shortly. I may just add that you can still guest post if you've been featured here before :)

The lovely team at Viva La Nails sent me a few items to review a while back and I sort of got side tracked but today I tried these delicate white rose water decal's and I am so in-love with them. I can't get over how easy they where to apply and how stunning they look; The sheet also has half of the same design in black so I'll be looking forward to trying them out. These decals are great quality! Oh and seriously.. Their prices are just redonkulously great!
On to the mani, shall we? I started with two coats of W7's 'Black' and created a dark gradient using Essie's 'Over The Edge', Essence 'I'm The Boss!' and Layla '01'. I then added my water decals and added some silver gems to the center of the flowers.

What do you think of this manicure? Have you tried water decals?

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh Ithi this is just gorgeous. Black is such a great colour and the silver brings a bit more edge to it. ♥

    1. Thank you so much Ann-Sofie! I'm all for a bit of extra edge, hehe! <3

  2. This is so elegant! Love it! I haven't tried water decals but really should try it!

    1. Thank you so much Stadtwaldvogel! I'm glad you like it! If you ever had the temporary water tattoos as a child its just like applying those, so easy!

  3. this is so beautiful! I love seeing you in black! the silver is a beautiful touch. Enjoy your time at home with your family!

  4. Ithi this is just beautiful! I tried decals only once but they crinkled up and looked like really bad stickers. Maybe I should try again? You did a fantastic job xx


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