Cosy Winter Knit

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I'm feeling pretty good, Mr Bravo came home Monday night and everything is back in its correct order! I'm feeling much more relaxed now :) I have to say the temperature here in Holland is dropping and I decided today to create a warming cosy manicure to combat the chills! Is it getting chilly where you are? I also have to admit that looking at this manicure makes me feel unusually seasonal! Normally I don't like Christmas songs (I know, I know.. sorry), I get annoyed when the stores are showing Christmas-y things in November but I'm really looking forward to Christmas in England this year :)
I started with two coats of N07's 'Devil's Delight' on all my nails. I then used acrylic paint to add a heart to my thumb and index finger and dabbed on Essence's 'I'm So Dreamy' nail art glitter, I also added a few of these around the hearts. I then used Nail Craze stamping plate N03 and white striper (I know that's weird but my good white is too thin and my worst white polish is far too gloopy) on my remaining nails.

This manicure does make me realise I need a lot more stamping practise, I've not stamped in quite some time so I am going to work hard on this :)

Does this manicure make you feel ready for Christmas? Have you tried any of the Nail Craze plates?

Have a great day,


  1. Lol you don't like christmas songs?? I looove them, and I've already started to play them now and then. ;-)
    Thank's for your message. :-)
    So glad to hear Mr Bravo is home and all is good. :-)
    I just looooove this mani, so cute and winterlike. It reminds me of gloves that you wear in winter. ;-) Beautiful. ♥

    1. I never really have! I've had two previous jobs where the employer's insisted on playing the same Christmas cd over and over weeks before Christmas, I almost went crazy, hah! You are welcome! Thank you so much Ann-Sofie! <3 :)

  2. This manicure was so lovely and cozy in all ways possible! :P And good to hear that things are back to normal. Here in sweden the weather is weird..Today we had 10,5 + degress celcius. It felt like spring was coming! And all snow are gone. And yea, another thing, honestly I'm not that into Christmas songs either... ;)

    1. Thank you Gelic! Wow that's odd that you had weather like spring! Crazy! We've not had any snow here yet but I am expecting we will have snow in England when we go back to visit. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't really like Christmas songs, I feel like when I admit that I must seem like the Grinch haha :) xx

  3. I totally love your mani! I have the same stamping plate and totally love the knitted sweater design. Sadly I only tried it over red, too. We have to try other combos! :-)

    1. I agree, I always knew though that when I first tried this plate I wanted to see it for myself in red but I think I have some idea's of what colours I will use next time! :) Its such a great plate, isn't it?! :)

  4. Beautiful!!! :)
    and perfect for this winter!!!
    I love these colors together! <3
    Xx julia

  5. I love this! looks like little sweaters for your fingers!

  6. Love these! The stamping is good and I just adore the design. Can't wait to use this plate myself now :) x


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