Girly & Swirly Water Marble

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? Are you feeling the fall-weather yet? Today I braved the rough waters in two ways. Its been raining here non stop so I'm enjoying the cosy feeling of being inside. I also attempted another water marble!

For this manicure I started with two coats of W7's White on all my nails apart from my ring-ding finger. I then created a soft water marble with Essie's 'Muchi Muchi' and 'Lapiz Of Luxury'. On my ring finger I applied two coats of 'Muchi Muchi' and added two coats of Ozotic's Sugar #903. I finished off by applying to little half pearl type gems.

There's a few little things I'm not happy with... like the polish dribble on my middle finger but over all I found this marble session pretty stress free!

What do you think of this look? Have you tried a soft-look water marble?

Have a great day, lovelies.



  1. Absolutely beautiful. I still haven't braved a water marble but I know must! I love your accent ring finger and the pretty pearls. It has not stopped raining here for 24 hours so the pups and I are hiding indoors waiting for hubby to come home. I hate the transition into winter :( xx

  2. Really pretty colours! Another one who hasn't tried a water marble, though a gradient is first on my list of things to try :)

  3. I liked this! :D You've done a great job! It can be really cozy being indoors while the rain pours down outside, it also seems like a great choice to dip the nails i water and polish than being outside. ;) And if I don't get everything wrong, the pink essie is pretty translucent which makes the white show trough? I've tried something like that once while playing but I should seriously try that again! :D

  4. I love it Ithi! So neat! The pattern looks just perfect! How do you make it look the same on every finger? I love both colours together, they play a nice combo :)

  5. I love the light blue in this mani! You are getting really good with water marbling! It's nice when you can stay inside cozy when it starts to get cold and wet in autumn :-)


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