Guest Blogger: Jacqueline From Claws Up

Allo polish Pals,
As of today I will be in England for two weeks. This means I will be posting scheduled blogs and featuring some wonderful guest bloggers. I will still be around so feel free to comment and if you need to contact me at all you still can.

Today's guest blogger is Jacqueline from Claws Up. I've been following her blog since I started blogging myself and I am really honored she chose to guest blog for me!  Please click the 'read more link to read the entire post.

How to Follow Jacqueline: Claws UpInstagram ♥ Pinterest

♥ So Jacquie, can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?
Hey everyone! I am so happy to be posting on  Ithi is an amazingly sweet girl and I love her blog!  My name is Jacquie and I am LittleMonsterx14 of I am from New York, but I have recently moved to Virginia with my boyfriend and my kitty, Muffin.  I work at a doggy day care center and I love my job. I am pretty obsessed with Lady Gaga and nail art, of course. My other passion is animals, and I have been a vegetarian for over 10 years. I also love Disney movies, yoga, makeup, and fashion!
 Click Read More to see Jacquie's amazing nail art!

♥ How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start a blog? 
I have been blogging for a year an a half.  In college I starting getting into nail art. I didn't have many polishes, but I painted my nails a new color every week.  I remember nail art was just starting to get popular. For Valentine's day my mom got me my first crackle polishes, and soon after I discovered the Sally Hansen nail strips. I started watching Youtube videos and wanting to try all the different techniques. I decided to take a trip to CVS and buy lots of polishes to fill in my collection. I tried water marbling, rhinestones, glitter, and my first galaxy mani. That is when I decided I wanted to document all of my nail art successes and failures. That day I spent hours (instead of doing my homework) making my little blog.

♥Can you tell us a manicure you are most proud of?
I think the manicure that I am most proud of is my Earth Day one. Most of the nails I do involve methods like dotting, taping, to layering, but for the first time I intricately painted on my nails. I did a lot of art in high school, so it was really nice to finally feel like I was painting a picture again. I was very happy with how my earth came out on my nails. I spent a lot of time shading and highlighting to make it look realistic. 
'Earth Day Manicure'
♥ Is there a nail trend that you just don't understand/like?
I don't really understand the ruffian look. I feel like it makes your nails look shorter, and as someone that desperately wishes her nails would stop breaking and just grow longer, I don't want them to look any shorter.

♥ What colours do you find yourself reaching for most often?
I find that I always want to paint my nails dark blue. I don't particularly like the color any more than other colors, I just feel it looks the best on my nails. I hate wearing the same colors over and over, so I try to stop the temptation and put it down.
A Passion For Dark Blue!

♥ Are there three nail products you can't live without?
Ohhh that's a hard question! I would have to say number one would me my cuticle stone. I have had that little thing for 10 years! Its the perfect way to remove the dead skin around your nails without chemicals or cutting them. Next would be cuticle cream, and then nail strengthening base coat.   

♥ Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
I just want to say that blogging has been such a great experience. I started my blog as just a way to document my nail art, but I have really made some amazing friends. These girls are just great. I would have never met these girls without blogging, and I can't wait to keep making nail art, and friends!

Thank you so much Jacquie for that amazing guest post! I personally love Jacquies talented creative eye, she comes up with some really interesting ideas! Don't forget to check out her blog to see tons more nail art pictures!

Have a great day everyone,
Love from England!



  1. aww thank you for posting it, you are so sweet!!

  2. Thank YOU so much for such a lovely fun post! :) It was a pleasure featuring you here :)


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