Models' Own ~ Aqua/Violet Review & Swatches

Allo again from Holland, my polish Pals.
Are we all good? Today I have my final review from the original four Model's Own polishes I wanted to show you. Why has it taken me to show you this polish? Because its an absolute demon to try and photograph! I wanted to try and how you how the colour shift as best as I could. Here is Aqua Violet from Models Own 'Bettle Juice' collection.

 Beautiful but oh so tricky polish to photograph!

Colour ~ On first impressions I am very excited and hold a lot of hope for this polish. Holding the bottle in my hand I see a smooth transition of a peacocky-teal. Is it blue.. is it green? Its an interesting duochrome. In different lights you'll be asking different questions. Along the sides of the bottle I am seeing a gorgeous purple-violet popping through. Once applied I could still see all these colours when in the light. In lower light I felt I was looking at just a very plain steely blue colour. When the colours come out to play it reminds me of petrol/diesel puddles. While this is a lovely polish and for someone who loves blues and purples like myself I do wish I had gone for 'Indian Ocean' as sometimes I find the appearance of Aqua Violet a little darker than I expected.

Texture ~ Very smooth. Just as you'd expect like anything linked to beetle’s.. it has a very nice shine to it. It almost looks like melted latex. Its good a pretty good texture.

Application ~ Fine. I don't have much to say about the application. I had to apply two coats to get it to really show its full potential. One coat was just a little too opaque/patchy in terms of how even the coverage/colour was but two coats and I was good to go. Its fairly smooth so there where no real problems here.

Overall ★ ★★★ /5 ~ A very good polish. I have no real complaints with it but like I stated, when your not in a good lighting it can sort of just look like a very mucky dark slate blue/green which can be interesting but I was in this for the duo chrome. If you like the look of it and surfed the web to see more pictures then I'd say go for it. But if your looking for a clean bright blue-to-purple duo chrome I think you'd be better of getting Indian Ocean.

So what do you guys think? I am aware this is a very confusing review, in fact I am still very confused about this polish. I don't regret buying it but I think I just hoped for something a little lighter and brighter!

Do you have any good blue-purple duo chromes? Would you think about buying Aqua/Violet?
Have a great day!
Love from Holland!


  1. oh how pretty, I love the duo tone. It must have been hard to photograph due to the shine and trying to show off the colors but well done , you did a great job. I did a post on caviar nails if you'd like to have a look. I'd love to know what you think of them :)


  2. It's a lovely polish and you did a fantastic job with the pictures xx


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