Professional Naill Art Pen/Dotting Tool - BeautyBigBang Review

*This post contains an item(s) which was provided for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full, honest and unbiased opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope your week is going well so far?
Its been a scorcher here, it is hawt, hawt, hawt!

Today I have something a little different to show you, this little beauty comes from (use the coupon code: PUTE10 at the checkout to get 10% off all orders) and it is a 'professional nail art pen/dotting tool'. I have only heard about legendary nail art pens before so I jumped at the chance to try this product!

Click 'Read More' - there's a very short video!

This pen comes in a clear plastic tube – similar to many brushes. It looks pretty much the same as a fountain pen and has a lovely soft pink metallic look with rhinestones along the handle. It is approximately 13cm in length so pretty much your standard pen shape.

Unlike conventional fountain pens this one does not need cartridges, instead you need to dip the tip into either ink or acrylic paint (I had to water mine down somewhat) and allow the paint to get into the circular hole near the edge of the tip. Moving the pen backwards and forwards will encourage the paint/ink to flow downwards through the line following the circular cut out hole and into the tip.

If you watch my video you'll notice that once or twice I had to repeat a couple letters simply because I hadn't let the liquid work its way down to the tip properly.

I found this pen super easy to use although a little trickier on nails – you really have to make sure your nails are dry or you will literally just dig off your nail polish. I also think it works better on matte nails.

While I am in love with this pen and will be using it often in the future I just can't work out where those dotting tips are supposed to go. I am not the only one with this trouble, I could only find one video of this same pen and she couldn't figure it out either. That does not change my opinion overall of the pen though because I wanted the pen. I have plenty of dotting tools that have accumulated over the years so that element does not concern me!

Final verdict? Winner, winner! I am absolutely crazy about it! Sure it takes a little practice but doesn't everything? If you love freehand like me but struggle to create nice written nail art I highly recommend this!

Have you seen a nail art pen like this before? What do you think of my daydreaming girl?

I hope you all have a super awesome day, thank you so much for visiting! I'll catch you again on Saturday! 



  1. This reminds me of one of those old fashioned pens called 'kroontjespen' in Dutch, sort of the predecessor of a fountain pen. If I remember correctly my grandparents (or their parents or maybe even further back in history) learned to write with those. I don't think they would have come up with the idea to use them on their nails though :)

  2. Oh what an interesting tool. I haven't seen it before. Looks very cool. :D
    Btw your nail art is beautiful as always.

  3. I haven't heard about nail art pen before. It literally looks like fountain pen that I used in my school life. But If helps with manicure I am glad to try it. May be you need to take out the pen nib and attach the dot tool. :) PS your manicure is beautiful as usual :)

  4. Huh, what an interesting concept! Seems like it would be really great for detailed freehand! I love the mani you did with it- lovely and whimsical.

  5. Wow this is really neat! I have not seen anything like this for nail art. It's a brilliant idea for lettering!

  6. Sounds interesting one. Need to give it a try sometime. Did you figure out how to attach dot tool?


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