Freehand Parrot & Feather Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope this weekend has been going great for you so far? Don't forget to enter my giveaway if you have not already, its open internationally so everyone has a chance!
I've been having a great time with my family - I've been doing a lot of babysitting as my Niece is now off school for the Easter break however its not hard work, she may only be six but she's a delight to spend time with and what I love is that she doesn't want to sit in front of the Tv! We've been doing glitter craft projects, board games, playing in the garden!

Today I have another design for you which was created for the weekly challenge over at Tiny Canvas – I love that these prompts are pushing me to do things I might not normally do. I had a whole kafuffle over this week's bird theme – mostly as I tried to paint this just before leaving for my trip home to England.

Eventually I created something I was satisfied with however, tragedy struck. For some reason my top coat looks like it scraped away the acrylic paint.. how... why?! I have come to love and depend on my Pro-FX top coats so I am praying that it is a one off and maybe somehow I made a mistake I don't usually. Weird, right?

I was still really pleased with my parrot though (even though his eye patch had also turned pinky - why?!) so I decided to share it with you guys anyway. I am going to call him Monty :)

I didn't use anything too excited or unusual for this manicure, I began with my Mezmris Nail Lacquer base coat, Armor Up and once dry applied two coats of my Barry M 'White' nail polish. I allowed a little more time to dry and added a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat to create a nice smooth barrier. I then moved on to my acrylic paints and brushes to create the parrot and details. Finally I finished with another coat of Pro-FX and eventually applied a matte top coat too just for shiz and giggles!

What do you think of my parrot? Have you had any random issues with products you can usually depend on?

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, come say hi in the comments! I hope you have a fantastic day and I'll catch you again on Saturday!



  1. OMG... this is freehanded? I was absolutely sure these were decals! You did an awesome job :) (and I couldn't see anything wrong with the eyepatch, if you hadn't said anything I'd assumed the colors was as intended)
    Great hearing you're having so much fun with your niece. I'm going to babysit mine (12 and 10) this afternoon and I expect boardgames, boardgames and even more boardgames... oh, and picking the youngest out of a tree in the backyard as she can never sit for more than ten minutes and loves to climb ;)

  2. Love the parrot finger art, wow!!

  3. Saw a real parrot flying about in Kirby Stephen apparently it's not unusual.

  4. Oh my, they look so cute :D

  5. These look so good!! I love the feathers. I am absolutely terrible at doing my own nails but it doesn't stop me trying

  6. I love your parrot. Masterpiece. I wish I had such one on my nails.

  7. Ooh la la, what a fantastic piece of nail art, I love everything about it! <3


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