Born Pretty Holo Nail Polish in #6 - Born Pretty Store Review

Allo polish Pals! 

How are you all doing today? I hope you are looking forward to a fun weekend?
I don't have any plans but I feel fine with that this week. I feel like going wherever the weekend takes me!

I have to say a huge thank you to all your concerns and kind words regarding my 'pre-diabetic diagnosis'. There was some really sweet comments and I promise you all I am taking good care of myself now. If I am really honest I hadn't taken care of myself after what happened at the beginning of the year, I was skipping meals and not always eating the right things (Bad, bad, do not copy this example) but I had started to get myself together before my trip home and I am now doing tons of active things and eating really healthy which my body feels so thankful for. I will have to go back for another test in three months but I feel positive I can change the out come. :)

Today I have a holographic nail polish in #6 to share with you from The BornPretty Store. I think I've gotten a little better at photographing holo polishes, thank goodness for the sun! 

This nameless but numbered (#6) polish is a beautiful warm golden peachy champagne shade with a very strong holographic effect. I'd say this is perfect for those who want warmer shades but don't like an overly flashy solid gold colour.

This is a 6ml sized nail polish so you could consider this to be a mini bottle.
The polish itself is in fact very sheer and I did have to apply four coats to achieve full opacity however it is fast drying and it took me no time to build up the coats. I wore this polish for around four days (blimey, that's like a month in Ithi years) and protected it with my Pro-FX top coat and had no chipping or obvious wear.

Conclusion? I absolutely love it. If I wasn't frequently taking my nail polish on and off I could see this sitting on my nails for ages. Its a very flattering shade, even when not in direct sunlight. The holo pops out beautifully from the delicate base and overall it makes me think of fine weather - summer nails, anyone?

What do you think of this peachy holographic polish? Do you own any Born Pretty Store Holo's?

Have an amazing weekend, guys! I hope you get up to all sorts of fun adventures!
Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting me, I'll catch you again on Monday.



  1. Gorgeous!! *starts rummaging around her polishes to see if she has something similar*
    I don't have any Born Pretty polishes (holo or otherwise) but I wouldn't mind having this beauty. I think my wishlist is going to expand a bit... again ;)

    1. Hehe, out of the ones I've tried so far I would for sure say this one is my fave. Just a little shame about the 4 coats but... so pretty! :)

  2. Hi dear!this holo is marvellous!
    A big hug!

    1. Thank you, Zauberin. I think so too! Huge hugs back :)

  3. I love Bornpretty holos and I think I have them all, or almost all! My favourite are the purple and the orange, can't remember the numbers right now. I've also recently got 3 of the new ones, with the bigger bottles and they are just as good!
    Good luck with your health btw, eating healthy is always a good choice to help ourselves.

    1. Hi Simona! <3 I have a purple full sized one which I am obsessed with too. I am glad you are enjoying the bigger bottles! Thank you, I've been making smart choices so all should be fine. :)

  4. I like this one, it isn't one of my favourite BPS shades though. The rainbows are great :)

    1. Do you have a favourite? I understand this one might be a little too washed of a colour for some people - perhaps not a 'one shade flatters all' kind of polish. ALL rainbows are great, agreed!

  5. I didn't like the shade but I love the holo shimmers. Its beautiful :)
    Stay healthy xx

  6. Hey dear...I really missed your health update. It's nice to hear you are getting better and taking good care of yourself. I am sure you will change the out come with your strong mind power. Yes, you can do it Ithi. <3 Between that's a truly gorgeous holo you are wearing. :-)


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