Soft Whites And Pink Floral

Allo polish Pals!

How are you doing today? I hope your week has started out nicely?

Just a warning... my domain issues are still not resolved. *face palm* this is becoming insanely frustrating. Basically, just when I thought it was fixed  I had an email to tell me the transfer had failed. It then took nearly three weeks to get a reply from someone I needed to change a few technical details. I finally got a reply yesterday and went to start the transfer process again.. to discover I need more details from other companies. Basically... I'm powerless to do anything. I do not like having no control and having to depend/wait on other people! IF I vanish... I'll be back. Don't ever think I'd just quit! I can't say I even know if or when it will happen but until then... Posting is as normal :)

 For now I have a really simple floral design which was based on *this* pin.

For this manicure I began by applying two coats of Barry M's 'White' and once dry I used a sandwich bag to dab on a little of Essence's 'Girl With A Pearl' and DA's '#103' for a very soft – barely visible marble look. Next I took my acrylic paints and painted the flowers, which I finished off by partially outlining with Barry M's 'Gold Foil'.

Its a pretty simple look but I kinda like...

What do you guys think of this manicure? Do you ever need a little rest-bite from painting when things just don't go well?

Have a wonderful day, I'll be back with some more Born Pretty Store products soon!



  1. That's not a simple look....That's a gorgeous look...Simply diva! *_* *_* <3

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, A.notcopyacat! I think sometimes I need a break from all the really bright stuff! :)

  3. It's so pretty and spring-like! (and what is that gorgeous polish you used on your ring finger?)

    1. Thank you Joyce - I have made a huge mistake with the ring finger, I realize I didn't actually write it down! I can't even think of it off the top of my head (My mind has been everywhere but where it should be) but it is a mix of an Orly foil/texture with Collection polish on top. I am never this badly forgetful! Oh dear!! :(

  4. I love the soft colours, they make for a great Springtime mani!

  5. It's so sweet, soft and adorable!
    Normally I love glittery stuff, but when I wore this many times in a row I love such soft designs as a break from all the glitter and sparkle.

  6. I thought these were nail wraps at first! Flawless!

  7. Your freehand skills are really good! I love the way this came out :) I think the gold outline on the flowers makes this really special. When I get frustrated I usually just take it off and wear a plain creme for a while

  8. This is so delicate and pretty, I love it! I hope your domain issues get resolved soon :(


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