The Casino Of Bling

Allo polish Pals!

I'm back! Oh my goodness. What a hellish two weeks with domain trouble, the flu...
Hopefully that  is the end of that, now I can get back on track and we can enjoy our nail polish adventures! I missed you guys. Don't worry, I've got a nice amount of posts prepared! 
Thanks to those of you who cared or worried I had quit blogging or something was wrong. I did my best let everyone know via social media but its not the same! 

Today I have a manicure that became so far from the original idea in my head. At first it was going to be pretty simple. Then I went all out and decided to go crazy with it. You'll see what I mean.

This ain't one of your manicures that last long when your doing your laundry! I'm really bad at making anything equal, If I think of it simply they are all just squares branching off of other squares.. so square shapes shouldn't be that hard but look at those angles!!
For this manicure I began with Barry M's 'Black polish and layered with Nyx Girls 'Frizzy Spots' – Still a polish I am obsessed with after purchasing so long ago! I then added some white little dice with acrylic paints and my bamboo brush and once dry added my Catrice gel effect top coat.

I then moved onto my ring finger which had been left with just the plain black polish. I took one of these cute little studs I had lying around from the Born Pretty Store and covered it with white acrylic paint (don't worry, I've got more of them!) I then added some teeny tiny dots to mimic a die..or dice.. and began encrusting with all different gems.

This is maybe how you feel when you walk out of a casino after a big win. KER-CHING, BLING!
As I mentioned.. this is more of a little creative fun then something I would actually wear!

What do you think about this crazy bling fest? Do you like to do 3D manicures?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Wow I love this! all of that bling is just beautiful. And I love that you painted on the dice, and mixed it with the 3D dice, and the glitter mixed with the rhinestones. Such a cool combo :)

    1. Thank you so much, Jflo! I think its a bit 'out there' but it was fun to create! :D

  2. Oh wow, it's so unusual and this topper is gorgeous! Great mani.

    1. Thank you, A.notcopyacat! I agree, I love the topper too. When I first got it I had to stop myself from wanting to use it all the time, hehe.

  3. I am glad that everything got resolved with the domain, and I hope it never happens again! I love your craziness here, especially the blingy nail art is astonishing!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Andrea! It was a bit of a nightmare! Everything seems to be running fine now though, thankfully! Thank you for your kind words :) xx

  4. Wow! that's a genius idea, I love your creativity Ithi you never cease to amaze me.
    I'm happy you are healthy and your blog is perfect again. I can only imagine how stressful that could have been for you.
    Last week when I changed the layout I also decided to get my own domain and read a bit about it, then thought it doesn't seem hard, but when I finally did it ALL the comments on my blog were GONE! I almost fainted, but thankfully I have Disqus since the beginning of the year and their support service helped me retreive the whole 9500 comments, haha.

    1. Aww thank you so much, Natalia! You are always so kind. I'm still a bit unwell but now its time to power on through! I gave myself some days of rest but now its time to fight back! ;) So many people have Disqus and I've questioned installing it. I maybe need to google what the pros and cons are of having it. Amazing you kept all the comments, that would have been awful! <3

  5. Wohhhh! You are just amazing! What a fun-tastic mani...Just outstanding!

  6. Woooooah! Look at that bling!!! I had to double look at all nails to understand which was the true dice!

  7. This is so pretty, awesome <3


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