I'm Going Home! - Freehand Areoplane Nails

Allo polish Pals!
Happy Saturday to you all, I hope you will have a fantastic weekend! As this post goes online I am probably now at Amsterdam airport with Mr Bravo for our flight - I'm going home! We're lucky that we will get to spend three weeks in England with my family and I can't tell you how excited I am...But sometimes an awesome thing has to follow an awful thing... Do you remember I had some upsetting news this past week? Sadly it was concerning my beloved dog Charlie who lives with my parents in England. I am currently incredibly heartbroken to tell you that he passed away on Wednesday. This trip is both bitter and sweet; It will be hard to walk into the house without him being there. I hope you can understand that due to this my commenting and blog visits may be a little slower than usual.

For this manicure I created a gradient using Yes Love's #34 shiny blue, Ciaté's 'Holiday Blues' and Barry M's 'Huckleberry'. I then used my Oumaxi acrylic paints and my favorite bamboo brush to freehand everything else. Please excuse the extreme cuticle mess!

I'm not over the moon with this manicure but I wanted to create something a little fun, When we've traveled before I left you with Union Jack manicures so I wanted to do something completely different! I found it so hard to match up the nails and have the picture line up nicely and I really wish this was... more. But there you go.

I've got pretty good at being ahead of my blog posts so I hope in a little while I can create a beautiful tribute to Charlie. Also, I want to say thank you to those who have already sent me kind messages - A dog isn't just a dog when you have one... It becomes apart of the family so I really appreciate your kind messages of support.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend; I'll still be posting so I will see you guys on Monday!



  1. awesome design dear Ithi. Have a wonderful time with your family. Hope the weather will be more friendly for you ;)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! <3 I hope you all can console each other. Take care Ithi! <3
    I love the aeroplane design you've made, so beautiful.
    Lots of love and hugs to you my dear friend. <3

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie :( The aeroplane design is wonderful though - haha but I don't think the girl hanging on the outside of it will survive the trip :p Lots of hugs Ithi!!

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  5. I'm sorry to read about your dog... I know how it feels like.
    Great mani, a whole picture done on your nails, very well done!

  6. I am so sorry about Charlie. I can understand
    I love the whole manicure Its fun. Love the aeroplane and the girl esp the hair. Marvellous work :D

  7. Please be over the moon with this manicure : it's amazing! (Especially the little Ithi :)) )

    You know I am sorry about Charlie, and I won't say anything more bout that! Enjoy your time with your family darling :*

  8. I am so sorry for your loss, but I hope you still enjoy your family time. Your nails are amazingly detailed as always!


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