It's Always Tea Time - Freehand

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope you all had a great weekend and a good start to your week? I've been busy painting and doing housework. I feel like another huge spring clean is in order. I just love everything looking organized and tidy. The manicure I want to show you shares my fondness of tea. Ah... tea... It's not often I am not drinking tea when I sit to paint a detailed manicure. Unless it's wine time... then there will be wine! This manicure is sort of infused with the idea of Alice in Wonderland also, since the Mad Hatter loves his tea parties.
For this manicure I started with two coats of Essence's 'New York City Call' and created alternating gradients using Seventeen's 'Fury' to give it a sort of antique feel. Everything else was created with my bamboo brush and acrylic paint's.

I struggled a little with the writing, I'm just not used to writing so teeny nor planning the spacing of the letters but all in all I am really happy with this manicure and I hope you like it too! If your not a tea fan you can pretend it's coffee ;)

What do you think of my tea party nails? Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Have a great day, my friends! And cheers to the first cup of the morning!


  1. I am a huge tea drinker and I absolutely love the mani that you dedicated to it. Very detailed and don't worry the writing came out excellent too!

  2. Lovely nail art. I like the clock and the cup of tea... the details and the shadows all look great!!! :D

  3. What a fabulous manicure Ithi! I love it, the details, and the whole concept!! I also love tea! (infusions in general I mean) and I'm always sipping some (hot or cold) hihihi. I think you should use this picture of your nails to print on a tea-mug! that would be so cool!! I'd buy one! :) xx

  4. Such a fun and beautiful manicure. I love this design. And I do love both tea and coffee. :-)

  5. This is so beautiful! I am also a tea lover, I have a cup everyday :)

  6. I love that golden polish you used for the tea inside the cup, perfect! I'm usually very on the tea side of things, but occasionally I'll get a craving for a strong cup of coffee :)

  7. I think the result of this manicure looks just wonderful!
    I love this manicure :) I think you're just so talented and the idea behind this manicure is very creative as well. Have a wonderful week!

  8. Holy crap this is stunning <3

  9. Great nail art. Always time for a cuppa :-D

    That's hard to answer. I'm a total tea nut, but I truly love coffee too. I do drink way more tea than coffee. But that's because coffee makes me hyper and merry and I tend to drink it on nights out (I'm tee-total)!

  10. I prefer coffee, but love, love, love your tea design! Your freehand skills are awesome! Regards, Natasha


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