Freehand Crisp Autumn Leaves

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope your having a good day; Is the weather nice where you are or is it beginning to get colder? Today I had another one of my long fast-paced walks (The Dutch people look at me like I'm crazy, maybe its because I'm now wearing ankle weights at the same time!) and I was able to stomp on some crunchy autumn leaves, that's the first time this year! Surprisingly its still really warm here though. I had wanted to do some Autumn nails for the past couple of weeks but I just couldn't get it how I wanted it... I'm ashamed to say this isn't the end result I wanted and perhaps with limited time I was a little rushed ~ sad face. Anyway, I will let you judge for yourselves...

I applied two coats of different polish to each nail, from thumb to pinkie I used Barry M's 'Mustard', Model's Own 'Gold Rush' (which for some reason this bubbled like a demon) Dorothy L's '98', Pretty Serious 'Elm Street' and finally Dorothy L's '131' ~ An assortment of what I thought were autumn-type shades (or at least what I imagine when I think of those crisp crunchy leaves. I then used my Oumaxi Paints to create some green, gold, yellow and orange leaves. I finished this all off with some simple gems and applied OPI's matte top coat.

I wish I had spent more time on the leaves, getting the colours blended better and perhaps even better shapes, I also wish that Gold Rush hadn't bubbled the way it did. To win the acrylic paints for yourself don't forget to enter my give away where you can win a set of 30 Oumaxi paints and two brushes - open internationally.

~What do you think of this manicure? Are you a fan of Autumn?

Have a great day


  1. wow, Ithi it is so lovely manicure ! i told you i like when you wear some ! one picture have a place in my computer :)

    1. Thank you so much, Bubica! That really means a lot to me :) I'm glad you like it more than I did, hehe :) xx

  2. It looks great Ithi! The colours are perfect for fall and I think the leaves look really cute :)

    1. Thank you, Robin! I'm glad you liked it :D xx

  3. Ithi, this mani is fantastic, so perfect for autumn
    You created amazing french with leaves- great job my dear friend!

    1. Thanks, Fife! I guess it is like a french manicure, I hadn't even thought of that! :) xx

  4. Oh my! This nail art creation looks amazing! I love all the little leaves and the other details and the colors fit really well together as well :)
    I think this will be one of my monthly favorite manicures <3

    xx julia

    1. Thank you so much, Julia! I'm so glad you like it and wow thank you! You are always so kind :) xx

  5. Ithi these are beautiful. They actually made me smile as soon as I clicked on your home page tonight. Love the colours, love the design. Love love love :))

    1. Thank you so much, Lou! I am really surprised for the positive comments as I was really unhappy with it, deary me. Thank you again for your kind words :) xx

  6. What a gorgeous design! You've done great :-D

  7. I was born in October, so I am a very big fan of this season and I really love the way you painted the leafs, very artistic and the colors are absolutely perfect.
    The weather here in Romania is warm too, it is annoying a little bit, because in the morning it is cold and when I come out from my job is is warm and I don't know what to take off from me. But I don't think that it will last much this warm weather! Have a great day.

    1. Thank you, Manases! I'm glad you liked it :) I'm a winter baby maybe that's why I love the sun, hehe. I do understand how frustrating that is, I always like to be prepared for the weather but its so hard to judge! Especially in England, you may as well carry an umbrella at all times it's that unpredictable! xx

  8. Wow Ithi you're soooo talented. This is so gorgeous. I really love this mani. <<3

    1. I don't know about that, Ann-Sofie but thank you so much for your sweet words :) You always make me smile <3 xx

  9. Very nice painting! I like summer more than autumn but autumns late summer days with lots of sun and a cozy feeling can be nice, too.

    1. Thank you, Stadtwaldvogel! I prefer summer too, I agree with the cosy feeling. It's nice being all wrapped up and warm indoors when it is cold outside! xx

  10. I really love this mani. The perfect fall nail art!

  11. wow this is so beautiful! the colors are just gorgeous

    1. Thank you, Little Monster! I know your a huge autumn fan :) <3 xx

  12. These are so cute for fall, the leaves look perfect!

  13. This is wonderful, great design :)

  14. I am going to say it again : you're a great artist.
    The manicure turned out amazing... it actually screams fall!


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