Simple Stripes & Holographic Tape

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope you are all well! Sorry for my mini disappearing act, I've been busy looking for my immune system since my last post. It seems like a lot of people are suffering from summer colds at the moment and I am one of them. I've felt pretty rotten and I am pretty gross right now. I hope you guys are feeling healthier than me! Today I felt well enough to attempt a simple manicure. Its nothing fancy (The original idea was so much cooler) but I do really like the colours :)

So, for this manicure I started with two coats of Yes Love's 'K025' (the light grey) on my thumb, index and pinkie nails. Using a combination of Yes Love's '364' and 'G2-2 I created stripes and added these two polishes to my ring and middle finger. To finish off my stripes I added some deluxe holographic striping tape and some of the N.Nail sweet series gems. I also added a white heart on my ring finger using white Oumaxi paint (Via Sammy Dress)

What do you think of this very simple manicure? Do you use striping tapes for manicures or do you only use them to create lines and then remove the tape?

Have a great day!


  1. it is special manicure ! glitters tapes, gems strips...
    love it ! color is so cute !

  2. Oh wow, this is beautiful! I love the minty green you used as a base, and the way you combined the colors and the striping design. The reflective silver striping tape really pops the gray and green. The end result is just AWESOME! :D

    Hope you feel better soon! It sucks to have a cold in the summer. <3

    ~ Yun

  3. I like the silver stripes very much :)

  4. beautiful colors, i hope you feel better soon!

  5. gorgeous! whole mani looks very special and unique- I love it :D
    I hope you are feeling better :D

  6. The colors are great together. I like it!

  7. I love '364' and G2-2 together! They look gorgeous :) I only ever use striping tape to make straight lines with polish, but it's neat when people use it like this too!

  8. Oh sweetie! I hope you get better soon! I know being sick (or injured) in summer really sucks, look at me and my broken foot... This manicure is gorgeous, I love the minty colour, so pretty!

  9. This looks really good! I like the Yes Love polish - I keep meaning to order some hehe.

    Hope you feel better soon :-)

  10. This is so cute I love the color combination! I've never tried to use striping tape on my nails as decoration I've only ever used it to paint over and then peel off... I should try sometime :)

  11. get well soon x . Stunning!! I love the combination (:

  12. This colour is beautiful on you. I love the pairing of mint and grey. I am suffering with the most stinking summer cold ever right now! I've been off work in bed and feeling terrible for three days :(. I hope you get well very soon xx

  13. I love all the different details in this manicure!
    your nails look so pretty ;)

    xx julia <3


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