Cow Print Water Decals - The Born Pretty Store

This item was sent for me to review, but as always will contain my full and honest opinion :)

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I've been blown away by the gorgeous weather here in Holland, what's your weather like where you are? I'm much better suited to spring/summer than I am winter so I am feeling pretty good! Today I have these cow printwater decals from the Born Pretty Store to show you; Of course I decided to add some nail art of my own with them! Don't forget: you can get a 10% discount on all their wonderful products when you use the coupon code 'DRX31'. A lot of their beautiful nail art items are under $3 each so really you should take a look! :)

 These cow print water decals are great, just like the flowers I showed you they are really easy to apply. I think if anyone is unsure about using water decals for the first time the instructions on the back of the packet are really well written – it will explain enough for you to find them easy! What I really like about these decals is that you can cut out which shapes you want, yes its a cow design but you can cut finely to add little extra bits to your manicure!  I think there are so many different ways to wear these decals and make an entirely different manicure each time.

The Manicure: I decided to pair these decals with purple because it reminded me of Milka!
On all my nails except my thumb nail I applied two coats of Barry M's white and added my water decals here and there. I finished these off with a French tip in Pacific Rapsodi's '23'. On my thumb I a created a cutesy baby cow using acrylic paints. I do wish the cow looked smoother and I see a few little problems with my manicure (like a bump where I removed my striping tape, argh)

What do you think of this manicure? Have you created a cow print manicure?
Hope you have a great day!


  1. eh ! you made my crazy :-) i dont have any cow nail art , and after your post i promise to me to do my self !
    love design . but love you nail art on thumb ! so so cute ! love when you make some girly manicure !kisses ! wish you many many sunny days !

    1. Haha Bubica :) Now I wanna see your cow nail art! Thank you so much :) I hope you have some beautiful weather too! xx

  2. AWW your nails look soo cute!
    This manicure looks just perfect ;)

    Xx Julia

    1. Thank you, Julia! :) I'm glad you like it! xx

  3. so amazing! like a 'milka chocolate' :D

  4. wonderful designs !I like it !People who are interested in ,please follow us on tumblr :,we have week giveaway !!!good luck for everyone !!!

    1. Thank you again Alice for letting me share these fun products on my blog :) They have been so fun to work with! xx

  5. These are so fun and have me craving a bar of milks even though it's only 6.30 am :)) xx

    1. Thank you Lou! Chocolate for breakfast?! I don't have a sweet tooth at all, ha :) I can't actually eat anything with milk but sometimes I like some dark chocolate :) xx


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