Models Own: Pukka Purple Ice Neon Collection Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals! Did you all have a good weekend? I hope you did! I spent the weekend trying out nail products and watching scary movies with my partner.We've been enjoying a little horror! Today I have something less scary and more beautiful for you, Pukka Pie Purple review and swatches from the Ice Neon collection!


Model's Own state that these polishes are best kept in the fridge to keep the fluoro really bright but I can't imagine that when these beauties are stored in warehouses or kept for shipping that they are all kept in fridges..? I keep mine with my other polishes which is always a cool dark place and I've not experienced the colour fading at all. That and living with my Partner's parents I don't think they'd be too happy if I hog their fridge and fill it with nail polish!

Colour ~ Pukka Purple is a very rich beautiful purple, and if your looking for a bright bright purple you are in luck. Its flat in colour with no shimmer but its vibrancy makes it very versatile. It reminds me a lot of a cadbury's chocolate purple that you'd find on their wrappers. Matte effect ~ to add shine add a top coat is what this polish claims. I can agree that without the top coat it isn't a high shine polish but there is still enough shine in it that I can't justify calling it entirely matte. Because it was somewhere between completely matte and shiny I went ahead and added a top coat for ultra shine.

Application ~ It goes on easily but if you have just a smudge more on your brush then need be it can be a little tricky. I had this situation but it seems to even out as it dries. With a second coat it looks irresistibly flawless. Please, please allow your first coat to dry before you apply your second or you will get some air bubbles!

 Texture ~ This is a very thick polish, that dries to an almost rubby looking finish. It is perfectly smooth but beware of how much polish you have on your brush otherwise you may run into some trouble. I seem to notice this with all the Ice-neon collection so far but it is not a problem that really amounts to much. Overall

 ★★★★/5 I love Pukka Purple, its finish is beautiful and the dry time is pretty good. The only thing to watch out for is how thick the formula is but if you apply your coats as thin as possible Im confident yours will turn out as smooth. Its a beautiful polish for any Models Own/Purple fan to have in their collection!
 Have you tried any polishes from the Ice-Neon collection yet? What do you think of this vivid purple?

 Have a great day! Love
Ithi x


  1. It's a gorgeous purple colour ! I never tried this brand. I don't know if I can find it in my country.

    1. I agree! MuShii, I am not sure if they ship to Switzerland but I buy mine from and they ship to Netherlands so they might do!

  2. I only have a couple model own polishes and they were freebies in a mag ! I am tempted to get some now as this colour is so pretty :)

    1. I own quite a few and I think I've only ever been disappointed once, that's amazing that they gave them away free ~ what a good find! I really like this brand its become a big part of my collection :)

  3. I have been looking for swatches of the new ice neons. Great color but I am not a purple lover.

    1. I'll be posting two more soon, Maybe they will be more to your taste! :)

  4. I never tried any Models own polish. But this one looks si stunning! I am a purple fan, this one looks like nothing I own. And it compliments your skin tone so nicely. I'd say perfect for spring!

    1. You should try them Natalia! I too found it looked like nothing in my collection so I considered it an investment! :)

  5. I love this colour but I did struggle with the application a bit. I might try again with some thin coats

    1. Me too the first time I tried, I wasn't expecting it to be so gloopy but once you get the amount on the brush right its a lot easier :)

  6. This is a gorgeous colour. I haven't purchased any of the Ice Neons yet but I am sure I will soon :)


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