Ithi's Attempted Marble-Fail.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing, did you have a fantastic weekend? This weekend I decided to revisit something I have failed at on a couple of occasions. I in fact got so stressed out previously trying to do this that I didn't attempt for maybe around 6 months? I finally cracked out the polish and pot of water and attempted yet again to successfully do water marble nails. Did it work? I'm not so sure..
A Very Messy Attempt..
The Cuticle Mess Was Very Tricky To Clean.     

I'm personally once again left very unimpressed of my attempt ~ however this is the best attempt I've had so far. I HATE how messy my cuticles are. I used tape to help prevent polish getting to them but clearly it just wasn't enough. My after clean up with a Q tip didn't help as it wouldn't cleanly remove the excess polish but rather remove what needed to stay on. I also had a water bubble on my second finger which then left it when a 'dent' look after it had popped.

On the plus side.. I did learn a few things. 1. I need to use a bigger cup. 2. I needed to make the patterns smaller so I could actually get that 'typical marble look' to fit nicely onto the nail. 3. I could have done with just one coat of Nubar's White Tip as I feel two coats made this look very thick.

So while I still consider this a disaster I think if I keep on practicing I will get closer to achieving it! I am determined to be able to do this well one day!

Hope you all have a great start to the weekend,


  1. Ithi, now you're being too hard on yourself! I think this mani looks gorgeous,the colours you used combine perfectly! I love it.

    1. Thanks Nati! I guess even an attempt is a step closer to getting it 100% how I want it, right? :) xx

  2. At least you are brave enough to try. I still haven't plucked up the courage. I think your colours look fab xx

    1. I guess, it seriously took a lot for me to want to attempt it again! Thank you! xx

  3. I know how you feel about water marbling! It's torture! I don't think I ever want to do it again. The clean up is too much hassle.

    1. Agreed! I think I'll try covering the fingers/cuticles in vaseline next time, not sure if that will work but the tape seemed pointless!

  4. Ithfifi, what are you saying? Your mani is great. I wish I could do it as good as you do it.

    1. Thank you Stefanies! I can be a bit hard on myself sometimes!

  5. Please tell me the name of this Essie polish...

    1. Sorry Stefanie, The Blue was 'Beach Bum Blu' and the purple was 'Sexy Divide' :)

  6. You are braver than I am. I haven't even tried to do a water marble mani. Yours looks good though!

  7. i think its pretty! wouldn't call it a fail!

  8. i don't think this is a fail at all... ur way too hard on urself! i think it's fab... the colour combo is really nice!!!



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