Lady Venezia: #084 Swatch & Review

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? Did you have a fantastic Christmas? I'd love to hear about what you got up to! We had family over, a lovely turkey dinner and in the evening we played a really fun game that involved miming, drawing and describing. It was pretty hilarious. Now its much more mellow here though as people are going back to work until New Years.

I thought today we'd have another chilled post, I am going to show you a stunning red that has already featured in some of my nail art before, this is LadyVenezia's #84.

Colour ~ This polish is a very strong and striking classic post-box red, It is very vibrant and has a wonderfully glossy shine even before applying a top coat.

Application ~ I wore three coats of this polish as it was slightly on the transparent side, that said I didn't have any trouble with application and the coats dry at a very impressive rate. I also experienced no issues with bubbling or streaking.

Texture ~ I would say this polish acts almost like a jelly which dries to a stunning vibrant and glossy finish.

Would I recommend this to a friend? YES.★★★★★/5
I'm not typically a red polish kind of girl but I really do love this one. There's something really satisfying about how shiny and glossy it looks on my nails, even though its a plain colour I find myself checking out my nails quite often when I wear this one – It also gets its fair share of compliments!

What do you guys think of this bright red nail polish? Do you like to wear red polishes?

Thank you for stopping by, don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments! Have yourself a lovely day, I'll catch you again on Thursday for a yearly round up! :)




  1. It's a pretty red. I've had one Lady Venezia so far, as a result of a swap. I liked it.

  2. Such a classic red. Red suits you so much, you should wear it more often Ithi! <3 :-)

  3. This is such a nice classic red :)
    I'm glad your Christmas was nice, mine was, too, I spent some great time with my family :)

  4. I'm not typically a red polish kind of girl either ;) But I loved it. I think its very classic red :)

  5. Wow, what a gorgeous shade! I love red polishes in almost all shades and this is just beautiful! ♥


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