Freehand Polar Bear Family

Allo polish Pals!

How are all my lovely nail friends doing today?! Guys, can you hardly believe its only a few days until Christmas now? We've shared another year together and its gone so fast!
Are you feeling prepared for the special day or are you running around like a headless chicken (much like myself on any regular day) Let me know in the comments :)

Today I have some more wintery nail art for you. I went to crazy with Christmas nails last year, this year I seem to have gone crazy with animals.

For this manicure (here comes the typical listing I do.. I'll see if I can reformat this next year) I began with my OPI Nail Envy base coat (Omg my next Mezmris top and base arrived now, YAY!) and once dry applied two coats of Barry M's 'White' and finally applied a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat as a barrier between my art and polish. I then created my sky by using the two-stroke method (sort of..rather then blending more colours in) and added Barry M's 'Diamond Glitter' on top for my twinkly sky. I created everything else with my acrylic paints and Pure Color brush in Size #9. I sealed it all in with another layer of my Pro-FX and taaa-da!

Again I'm sorry if this is a little... hmrf. When can I go back to painting beaches??

I hope you guys have an amazing day, don't forget to let me know what you think. Thank you for dropping by, I'll catch you again on Friday.
Just a heads up, if you find yourself with a few quiet minutes and a nice cup of coffee/tea on Christmas day, perhaps somewhere in all the madness (Kids unwrapping stockings, Turkey doin' its thang) I will be posting, so you can still drop in! :)




  1. Super cute! I love the baby polar bear peeking out over his parent's back! So sweet.

  2. Really cute polar bears! :) I think all my blog posts sound the same now too lol... Especially where I list what I did/used

  3. Soooooo cute! Even hubby took a peek and said the little cubs looked sweet, so again you did a great job :)

  4. I love this mani! One of my favourites made by you :)

  5. Ohh this is so cute, I love this mani ♥
    I'm feeling prepared for christmas, got all the presents and stuff.. but I still can'T believe how fast the time went by and that the year is almost over :O

  6. These are so beautiful and festive too!

  7. Ahh.....Cuteness..cuteness...cuteness....Every finger of yours is fully loaded with cuteness! <3


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