Barry M: Kiwi Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a fantastic start to the week. It's lovely being home, of course I wish Mr Bravo was here too. One thing is for sure, if my mum keeps feeding me so well I am probably going to go home a little rounder! I have seriously missed her cooking! Its also been lovely to see my niece and nephew, well...just everybody of course!

Today I have a swatch and review for you – its been ages since I've done one of these. I feel like a swatch and review is an easy way to chill a little. There will be some more freehand nail art soon, don't worry. This is Barry M's 'Kiwi'.

These are old swatches... Apologies for the thumb, I know it looks a little uneven.

Colour ~ Kiwi is a beautiful fresh light/medium jade green. Its quite bright but not in a neon type of way.

Application ~ I had a great experience with this polish, just as I tend to with all of the Gelly polishes. It applies very smoothly and dries to a lovely shiny finish. I always find these smooth themselves out and self level as they dry – speaking of drying... the dry time is also a really positive factor for this polish.

Texture ~ Its on the thick side just like most of the Gelly's – but its not a bad thing, I have so few problems with them drying or bubbling.

Recommend it to a friend? If Betty doesn't have something similar in her stash and she's a fan of greens I'd say “Betty. You need this green” - I do feel that most people would have something similar to this shade though. I could be wrong.

★★★★★/5 Another winner from the Gelly collection. I am very happy with the application and formula, I love the fun and fresh shade. There isn't really anything to fault it on because the main factors are all of a really high standard!

What do you think of this green, would you wear it? Do you find your self reaching for greens often?

Have a beautiful day, my friends! I'll see you on Saturday when the giveaway starts!


  1. I have it! This green is well opaque and it may be good for stamping, I'll have to check it out.

    1. Yaaay! I believe I tried it once, I wasn't 100% in love with it for stamping but it was better than other greens I had tried :) xx

  2. Very nice summer colour, I love it <3

    1. I think so too, Joanne! I'm not the biggest green fan but I do love this :)

  3. Hehe, I've just dug up three greens for my next manicure (although I'm not promising it'll actually end up a green manicure... things tend to change halfway through around here).
    I think I have about all the Gelly polishes and I love each and every one of them, Kiwi is no exception ;)


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