Barry M: Heather (Silk Collection) Swatch & Review ★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals,
How are you today? I hope your week started off well, I had hoped to be around sooner than now but I can tell you the last two days have been pretty hard. Yesterday Mr Bravo and I got some devastating news from our Holland family. Sadly Kimmy, Mr Bravo's beloved dog had to be put down. Its been really hard on both of us and I know we'll be feeling rough for some time to come...  I wanted to do some tribute nail art but I just couldn't do anything worthy to capture the amazing personality and spirit Kimmy had. I'm going to do a little section about Kimmy at the bottom of the post if you care to read. I feel like I need to write something. For now I am going to show you something else pretty... Barry M's 'Heather' from the Silk collection.

 Colour ~ 'Heather' is a beautiful light thistle/lilac shade. At a glance or low light it can appear more pinky than purple but the subtle lilac shade is beautiful and subtle.

Application ~ Great application, I had no troubles at all. I recommend being aware how much is on your brush and keeping your brush strokes as straight and neat as possible to avoid any brush strokes but this wasn't an issue for me personally. It dries pretty fast and I've had no trouble with bubbles even though I was layering on the coats pretty fast.

Texture ~ The texture of this polish is wonderful, the consistency in the bottle is very easy to work with, I would say its slightly on the runnier side but you wont need to keep layers, I had this result in just two coats. Without a top coat Heather dries into a beautiful semi matte satin-like finish (That's what I love love love about Layla's 'Marshmallow Twinkle) but of course you could apply a top coat – it would be a shame to lose that beautiful finish though!

★★★★/5 I love Heather, when I consider the great dry time, the beautiful soft feminine shade and the gorgeous finish I really can't complain. I recommend trying the silk collection if you have not yet had a chance, they can be incorporated into so many beautiful nail art designs.

What do you think of this subtle lilac? Have you tried any polishes with a similar finish; did you enjoy wearing them?

Sleepy Kimmy
A tribute to Kimmy ~ I first met Kimmy when I went to Holland to meet Mr Bravo for the first time back in December 2012; I remember being totally shocked by how enormous she was – I thought I had a large dog but Kimmy was incredibly tall! I took to Kimmy right away, she was such a warm and kind spirited dog with so many unusual quirks that made her so special. I had never seen a dog stand on its back legs and use a door handle to get into a room, nor had I ever seen a dog eat from a fork with the table manners of a princess. She was great with children and just lovely company. Sadly Kimmy was diagnosed with diabetes and life became hard for her. Slowly she lost her eye sight. Yesterday she was put down and even though I've not known her as long as the rest of my Dutch family I will miss her deeply. It will be hard knowing that when we return home there wont be that waggy tail to greet us. I'm remembering all the wonderful qualities of dear Kimmy and I know there will never be a dog quite the same. She will be sorely missed but I'll hold the memories of her close to my heart.

~ I hope you guys didn't mind me posting that. I'm keeping busy and taking advantage of being around my family, Mr Bravo is obviously devastated as he had Kimmy from when she was tiny and they shared many memories and went through a lot together. We'll be ok but when you are a real animal lover a dog isn't 'just a dog' its part of the family, and there's no replacing a family member.

I hope you guys have a good night,


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Kimmy :-( *hugs*

    I do like the Barry M silk polishes and this one looks good :-)

  2. oh dear Ithi ! it is always hard to hear some like this ! i am so sad.i have my pet ,she is 15 or 16 yr old and she cannot see anymore because of she's agesbut she is my lovely dog !
    Kimmy is on a better place i think !
    love this soft pink polish !

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss! such sad news, it's awful when you are away from home, I'm sending you a big hug, that must be so hard.
    I love your nail polish sweetie, it really does look like silk :)

  4. Sad news...
    The nail polish is elegant, like an underwear :)

  5. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Kimmy... She sounds like a wonderful dog, it's always so sad when you lose a pet especially when you've known them for so long, they have become more then just a pet but a friend :(
    I do love the polish, it's a gorgeous colour!

  6. So beautiful nail polish dear!! I love its colour!


  7. I am sorry Ithi :(
    I love this silk from Barry M, looks amazing :)
    Hugs my dear :)

  8. I'm so sad to hear about Mr Bravo's dog. I'm sending so mucch love and thoughts to you both.
    Such a beautiful polish and texture.
    Love and hugs to you my dear Ithi! <3 <3 <3

  9. I am very sorry for your loss. Kimmy obviously was a very special dog! Keep busy with your family.

    Sometimes I like satin finishes, sometimes not. Here it is very sweet!

  10. Oh my good ness I am so very sorry to hear about dear Kimmy. My thoughts are with you and Mr Bravo. I cannot imagine the pain. My dogs are my babies too xx

  11. I am so sorry for your loss :( Kimmy sounds like an amazing dog!


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