Nails Inspired By... Jeans

Allo polish Pals!
Did you have a good weekend? It was lovely here in Holland, being able to sit out in the sun with the ladies and soak up this years first warm day. Did you have some nice weather where you are?
I have a new years resolution ~ Yeah a little late I know but if your doing to start something its as good a time as any, right? I'll get to that later in the post!

Today's look is a simple tape mani which is sort of inspired by MiH Jeans  because I think this would look super chic paired with some smart jeans like these and heeled boots. I've never believed in having to match nails to clothing but I think the outfit with the nails would look rather sophisticated!

I used Essie Bobbing For Baubles (One of those shades I keep going back to ever since I got my grabby hands on it) and N07 Hot to Trot for the gold pieces. Its pretty simple but I think effective. I used striping tape which unfortunately after the move to Holland has seen far better days. That's next on the shopping list! Because of said tape it meant that when I went to remove it my lines where not as smooth as I had preferred.

Now this is where the resolution comes in. I can be so so hard on myself at times. I've always had too little confidence in what I do but I'm really going to work on feeling proud of the mani's I do. I know that sounds silly right? I just feel like so much self doubting is a unfortunate waste of my time so from now on. I'm going to try even harder to do my best so I can stop worrying if its good enough! Sending on the positive vibes, ladies!

Do you ever have times where you doubt your art? How do you get that voice out of your head that makes you wonder if something you've done is good? And do you like to coordinate your nails to your clothing?




  1. I doubt myself all the time, so I totally understand what you're saying. I try to tell myself to be more sure of myself and to be more proud of what I am/do as well though. Good to know I am not alone in this :-) Oh, and uhm, lovely nail art!!! :-)

    1. Thank you! Us nail artists should definitely have more confidence. And I think maybe, even if we don't do a manicure we are insanely proud of its entirely unique in its own way :D

  2. Hi Ithi! I looove this mani! I'm totally nuts about striping tape nail art, and ... well had tried it myself with much less success than expected, but I'm working on it :P
    I think you've made an excellent resolution. You're a beautiful and talented girl you do not need to doubt about what you do!
    I'm a little more cheeky, and maybe because I'm older, I tend to think I do not have to prove to anyone that I'm good or not. Is not that I do not care what the others think, but I mean, there's already so many problems in life, why adding one more preoccupation? So I certainly do my best, but then who knows... some people would find nice, other might find it garbage. I'm aware of my limitations, and I think "for me this is the best I could do". And knowing that makes me already happy.
    And there was a time in my life (when I used to keep a manicure for several days) when I had accessories or clothes matching!! I loved it, but now it's not the case, I just wear whatever colour fancies me, lol!

    1. Thank you Natalia! I do love nail tape mani's too! Except finding bits of tape here there and everywhere afterwards! I think that's a wonderful way of thinking, Why give yourself more stress by worrying, right? I'm going to take a leap out of your book because that's incredibly positive :)
      I'm the same, I love to know I have many options about what nail polish I can wear on whatever given day! Thank you again for your kind comment xx

  3. i really love this! it is kind of nautical in a way!

    what a great resolution, and something i think i need to do myself! i follow so many wonderful bloggers, and i always feel my nails are sub-par to them! they are small and they break, my cuticles are dry and i'm not very good at nail art. but i LOVE to do it so i will keep on painting and blogging no matter what! i feel like with both of my blogs i have so few followers compaired to blogs that havnt even been around as long as mine. but i love all of my amazing followers that i have!

    1. Thanks Little Monster! Yes it certainly does have a nautical feel! :) Perhaps I could have given an anchor or some red and white stripes too. I love your blog, you may feel your nails and skills are subpar to others but I see your nail art and adore the creativity and beautiful work you do. I have found these comments to be interesting and it has really opened my eyes up to the fact I am not the only one with self doubts. I'm worrying less things now because what may not be as good as I want it to be RIGHT now can improve with time and I can only ever do my best. Here's to us ladies, let us self doubt less! :)


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