N.NAIL Studs Silver Rock Rivet Review!

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing? Are you having a good weekend? I'm still here! I know last week's posting was incredibly awful and I apologize immensely. As I explained I was seriously stressed out and to top it all off my throat decided to swell up (which is where it is staying it seems) That aside I am looking forward to getting back to regular posts and I think I've found a way to suit me and hopefully you guys better too :) I'll also be catching up on my comments this coming week, sorry guys I suck. Anywho, today I am showing you a manicure I created using these N.Nail Silver Rock Rivets from KKCENTERHK

Rock, Robot, Rock!
Why does it remind me of Eva from Disney's Wall-E?
I personally like these studs and think they give off a lovely rock chic vibe depending on how you chose to wear them. They are a great size (3.5mm) and will sit comfortably on the nail. I suggest using nail glue to adhere if you want them to last on the nail longer; obviously with this kind of nail art there's a risk it may snag on clothing or somehow come off so I think these are great for special occasions over casual wear. I only decided to wear two of the studs on my ring finger as I thought it was a good combination against the white and black white makes me think of technology..space..robots..the future. I'm not sure how I got so much from such a simple mani!

The mani! I used two coats of Maybelline's 'Winter, Baby' as a white base on all nails and applied W7's 'Black' over all nails expect my ring finger. On top of the black I then added a lucious coat of Essence's 'Cool Breeze' glitter. On my ring finger I used some small tweezers to apply two of the studs to the middle of the nail.

What do you think of this look? Have you tried using nail studs before? What 'vibe' do you get from this manicure?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, beauties!


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, as usual ;)
    I haven't tried the spike studs yet but I'd love to! Must get around and get them! :)

    1. Thank you Gelic, I wanted something a little different!
      You so should try them, I bet you'd come up with such a cool idea!

  2. this is beautiful, i love those spikes!


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