Unicorn & Acrylic Prism Rainbows

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope this week has started off well for you.

So.. I had my interview on Monday, thank you so much to those of you who wished me good luck. It went well, I arrived early and it literally only took 10 minutes or so. I was confident and feel I did the best I could but - and here's the sucker.. At the end of the interview the man told me he had had over 50 people apply for the role... dang.. There's nothing I can do now but wait. And paint. We'll see what happens.

Today's nail art combined two of my favourite things, rainbows and unicorns. Childish? Pss. I just don't think you can ever have enough colour in life. Colour inspires me, I may not be the best at pairing sophisticated colour combinations but its always fun trying!

For this design I decided to create what I call a acrylic-gradient and I did this in a sort of prism, the rainbow is done entirely with acrylic paints and brushes. I find these so relaxing to paint. I used ORLY's 'White tips' – a 'wonder' in the white nail polish category, this is perfect in two coats although for nail art where I am covering the whole nail with acrylic paints I can easily get away with just one coat. Bonus. I sealed it all in with my Pro-FX top coat which is showing its age in the glossy pictures since it left awful bubbles, they did vanish with Barry M's matte top coat which is a blessing as I really wanted to showcase this design in its matte form anyway.

Below is a manicure I did first of all which I just wasn't happy with, I wanted it to be cute however I think it just looked badly done but I thought I'd share it anyway so you can see the difference between the two designs and its original idea.

Which design do you prefer best? Do you like unicorns and are we ever too old for them?!

Thank you so much for visiting, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below. I'll see you again on Friday, have an awesome day!



  1. Having 50 people in a line in front of you can be intimidating or stressful, but I'm glad we're hoping for the bright side. Speaking of which, your nail art looks absolutely adorable. I love how detailed everything is when you describe each solution.

  2. Oh my! These are absolutely beautiful.
    I love the first design for my self, but my oldest daughter would love that second design.

  3. Angela Ricardo Bethea1 March 2018 at 15:41

    I really love the Unicorn nail art. Love the second nail art looks really cute. You are so creative all your works are so impressive.

  4. I love both sets but if I had to pick one it would be the top set as I think they are gorgeous. As every your creativity is amazing.

  5. that unicorn is too cute! very nice art!

  6. I love your artwork! I'm falling in love more and more with unicorns now that I'm seeing them everywhere!

  7. Love it.... what I would give to have you do my nails once. Please let me know if you are ever in chicago :)

  8. I'm going to keep on having fingers and toes crossed you're that special person in 50 that they're going to hire!
    And too old for unicorns? Blasphemy! Your second manicure could be unicorn Easter but the final design is just gorgeous, no other words for it, G O R G E O U S!


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